
Once in a Blue Moon (a.k.a "Blue")
13.3 1/4h ~ Grey ~ Welsh Cob ~ Gelding
Foal Date: 1/1/2012
Low 5 Figures Lease / Mid-Five Figures Purchase
Once in a Blue Moon (“Blue”) is sadly for sale as his owner has outgrown him.
He has taken his kid from the Short Stirrup to the Large Green Pony Division in less than two years where he qualified for Pony Finals in the Large Green Division his first time out and the Equitation Medal.
He was used in two IEA competitions (regular season and regionals) this year where he did a fabulous job. He brought many of his riders to the top ribbons (including 1 Zone qualifying round).
Blue has also been used to teach a beginner (kid’s mom) starting with lead-line walking lessons through walk-trot-canter.
He has his lead changes and jumps a 10 every time! He knows his job, is easy, honest, brave, and great to have around the barn. He is the same pony at home or away and does not peek at jumps. He has good ground manners and loads and stands well.
He is currently ranked 4th in the Zone 7 Large Green Division.USEF# 5657178
Can be seen at Southwest Showdown at Great Southwest Equestrian Center Sept. 19-25th.